Is Nearsightedness an Epidemic? NewsBot

Staff member
Jul 30, 2007
Newsbot U
For Christine Wildsoet, a professor of vision science and optometry at the University of California--Berkeley, the coffee shop hosts some of the worst offenders. There are the new moms chatting while their babies are parked in front of iPads, and the dads reading while their toddlers play games on cellphones.

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It's the best kind of epidemic. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I love the part of preventing myopia by practicing good "visual hygiene". It's perfect! Get eye exams every year (check, ca-ching!), go outside and take breaks from near vision tasks (heading out for the beach right now!) and eat dark chocolate and drink more wine (yeah! Is that before or after the beach?).

I'm on it.
Yes, yes.... that article is sort of funny (epidemic? really?) but the big question is how did it make it to print -- in US News no less.

Did the PR department from the University approach the magazine, or was the magazine soliciting stories? Maybe someone like @Allan Panzer can tell us how the PR sausage gets made.
Yes, yes.... that article is sort of funny (epidemic? really?) but the big question is how did it make it to print -- in US News no less.

Did the PR department from the University approach the magazine, or was the magazine soliciting stories? Maybe someone like @Allan Panzer can tell us how the PR sausage gets made.
The other question is "Why is US News still in print?" When was the last time anyone asked what was in US News?
We need a twin study in which parents allow their emerging myopic children to be treated with the various claimed methods. (BF eyewear, CL, etc.) If trends emerge the more myopic kid could be switched to another protocol.