
Introducing the Wellness Exam Scan with Dr. Julie Rodman

The Wellness Exam is a proprietary scan that provides an invaluable snapshot of a patient’s ocular health prior to the patient examination.

Recognized thought leader and CEwire speaker Dr. Julie Rodman facilitates a practice growth webinar series starting with a comprehensive review of the Optovue Wellness and AngioWellness features and discusses how the data can be used as an assessment tool that uncovers the need for more extensive, problem-specific imaging.

Attendees of this course will explore:

* How to incorporate the Wellness program into their practices to diagnose and manage more diseases
* How to interpret scans including retina, glaucoma, and anterior segment
* How to integrate advanced OCT imaging into their daily workflow

This webinar is ideal for clinicians and practice owners looking to enhance the patient experience, discover disease and grow their business through the implementation of Wellness.

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