
Dr. Frank Fontana on the Early Days of Contact Lenses and the Future of Eye Care

Dr. Fontana (aka optometry’s “Uncle Frank”), in his 69th year attending SECO, talks about being a pioneer the field of contact lenses, and what the future might hold for ECPs!

Registered ECP members can reminisce about the ‘old days’ & ask Uncle Frank questions in this thread.

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The New MyDay Toric & Building your 1-day Practice – Mark Andre, FAAO

In this brief TV Interview, Mark Andre, FAAO, Associate Professor of Optometry at Pacific University College of Optometry tells us all about the NEW CooperVision MyDay Toric, and using the new lens to build your 1-day practice.

We touch on –

  • Statistics on toric fits, dropouts and where the market is moving
  • The design of the lens vs Biofinity
  • The nature of the material and its low modulus
  • Using LensFerry to help build your 1-day Practice

If you have any questions about MyDay Toric or LensFerry, please post them in this thread.

Thanks to CooperVision for their long-standing support of the site!

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Interview: Dr. Barry Eiden on the Latest in Keratoconus Management

In this brief interview, we discuss with Dr. Eiden the latest in Keratoconus treatment, and his CEwire2017 lectureKeratoconus – A Paradigm Shift in Management has taken place (51757-AS)

Dr. Eiden’s entire keratoconus lecture can be viewed at CEwire2017.


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Interview: Ashley McEvoy on the J&J Acquisition of AMO

This morning Johnson & Johnson completed their $4B acquisition of AMO.

I got to speak with Ashley McEvoy, Company Group Chairman, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Medical Devices for a few minutes about the deal.


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DAILIES TOTAL1 and the Evolution of Contact Lens Materials – Dr. Mile Brujic [#R022]

Frequent contributor Dr. Mile Brujic sits down with us to discuss the evolution of contact lens materials — from Paul’s Era (PMMA!) through today.

We also speak in-depth about the new DAILIES TOTAL1 lens, which represents the very latest in contact lens material science and the first truly novel material in some time.

Mile’s practice was one of the clinical test sites for the lens, and he shares his several months of experience working with it, and the impact its had on patients.

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Surviving a Natural Disaster: Strategies for Saving your Optometric Practice [#R014]

With much of the east coast still reeling from the effects of Sandy, people are trying to return to some sense of normalcy.

This radio show is all about how your practice can financially survive a natural (or man-made!) disaster.

The broadcast features a panel of insurance experts including Ken Rudzinski, CFP of Heritage Financial Consultants, David C. Alleva, CIC and Michael Alleva, CIC of the Alleva agency.

Topics covered include:

  • The important types of insurance coverages for your practice, including Business Interruption insurance
  • How to decide on deductible sizes when buying
  • What you should do BEFORE making a claim
  • How to report a claim, your rights and responsibilities
  • How to best work with your insurance carrier
  • Whether or not to use Public Adjuster

No area of the country is immune to natural disaster. Listen today because the next time, it may be you in mother nature’s path!

If you have an immediate question and you wish to communicate with David Alleva,CIC

David C. Alleva, CIC
The Alleva Agency
500 Simpson Drive
Chester Springs, PA 19425-9547
610-458-3216 fax

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Negotiating Managed Care Contracts, Part 1 [#R005] Radio

In this episode, Paul and Adam have a chat with noted consultant Gil Weber, MBA.

Gil takes us through the important points to be aware of when negotiating managed care contracts with insurance companies.

Whether you are just getting started, or have been accepting plans for years, Gil’s advice can help you maximize your reimbursements and ensure that you don’t get locked into a contract that makes no sense for you or your practice.

In part 1, we also review seven key points you don’t want to miss when negotiating.

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Dr. Steven Newman – Integrating Nutrition into Your Practice [#R004] Radio

In this episode, Paul and Adam have a chat with Dr. Steven Newman.

Dr. Newman is an OD who is also a Certified Nutrition Specialist.

Learn how you can integrate nutrition advice to both build your practice and improve your patient’s health.

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Exiting Commercial Optometric Practice, Part 2 [#R003] Radio

At some point during their careers, many docs working commerical look to change their mode of practice. But how does one actually do it successfully?

In this two-part episode, we interview a number of clinicians who have made the switch.

In Part 2, we speak with:

“Dr. X”  — an Member who went from commercial to private practice


Dr. Steven Nelson, who went from commercial to a nursing home practice.
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